Monday, August 31, 2009

Ho'Oponopono, World Change!!!

The world is shifting, and we are shifting with it...

As we prepare to take on a whole other level of responsibility on this planet, I find I have a lot of Ho-Oponopono to do. There are many with money and power in this world who have messed up terribly, and I have been really angry and rude to many in power.
Yet there is another side to it. They at least tried to hold some level of responsibility, and I am sure that any one in a place of power and persuasion got to test themselves big time, if they lived long enough and didn't get killed for it.

To have that much power in the world would really show up your doubts about yourself. Like taking out a powerboat, any movement at the helm shows up big, and can run you aground or flip you over fast. You better be wearing a life jacket if you are going to fool around or not be sober, or try to take it through the rough waters of change.

So if you have any tendency and desire to control others, (Hitler, J P Morgan.)..or indulge in self pity (Monroe) , or insecurity (I think Of Michael Jackson, Howard Hughes, Elvis...) it is powerfully magnified internally as well as externally. You know, the porn, the gold facets, the excesses that can go on with sudden power; we see it in Rock and Roll, and sports celeb’s and lottery winners. The playing with peoples lives as we see in so much political and corporate power. It is really easy to point blame here, like I have done to George Bush and Harper, but man, at least they are trying to hold that much responsibility, even as it burns their hands. They at least stood up and said I’ll do it, even as they found that they could not trust themselves.

They say money and power corrupt. I say it only magnifies our corruptions.

Many of us are about to test ourselves in similar places of power. We will be scrutinized and judged as we have judged others. (I will be relying my quirky sense of humour and the ability to laugh at myself.)
I hope we are ready, that we have done our personal work, and have our lives and relationships how we want them to feel.
I hope we are well grounded in our Truth, and expansive enough to let that Truth evolve.

I find I have quite a bit of growing up to do, and I shall do it as I go along, just as we learned to sail our boat by getting on it and sailing it. We saw what we needed to learn and set about learning it as we went along, taking classes, reading books, talking to Old Salts, and mostly learning to be one with each other, and one with creation. We learned to stay on our journey through getting side tracked and then getting back in the flow, with the loving help of friends, who came to us in many forms. Shapeshifters all.
I know that they will be with us on this journey, and I am grateful for their love and support, All of My Relations.

I have some Ho-Oponopono to do.
I am sorry..... to all powerful rich people I have slandered, shouted at, despised, condemned and blamed.

Please Forgive me........ I was in anger at the perceived damage you did and the pain you caused and are causing to all my relations in your ignorance and inadequacy of holding such power.

I Thank You ..... for teaching me through example what to watch out for, the pitfalls of insecurity that creates false ego, the dangers of not knowing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, the hazards of getting caught in illusions and forgetting we are all one with creation, and the precariousness of holding ones intention in co-creation with others who are not of the same dream. I hope I have learned enough, for I believe it is our turn now, and I pray that we do a better job. I pray we restore Eden to the garden planet she is, and that we create love and beauty. I have learned a lot from your mistakes.

I Love You..... For you and I are one, We are all thoughts of creation, movement of energy, light of the universe, water, earth, air and fire. We are the hopes and the fears, the enlightenment and the doubts, the creation as well as the destruction, and all potential is within us all. We are intention and choice, we are the forever unfolding of the dream.
Where I can love you, I can love myself, and in doing so, further the closing of the gap.

I am ready to be my best. Bring it on.