Tuesday, May 13, 2008


In weavers of light, one of the things we are asked to look at is how we have created the tapestries of our lives, to look at our ancestral, or genetic lines and our societal fabrics, and take responsibility for our part.
It is not an easy thing to do, as we are all so used to the blame/shame/guilt triangle, that it is hard to get past that, and enter that state of grace.
Disharmony and discomfort is held on to by us, sometimes due to ancestral wrongs, or societal wrongs, but it is still carried on by us, as individuals. To undo the entanglements, we must choose to take responsibility for the threads we hold, and untangle them back to love. Sometimes this involves unwinding, or unweaving, so it seems sometimes we are running back over the same issues over and over. Sometimes we are caught in a loop, but sometimes, I believe, we are untangling, separating our thread from the mass entanglement.
I think of undoing tangled chains, or knots, how often just loosening that one thread can begin unraveling it all. I think, what if mine is that one thread, that will make it easier to undo the mess? I mean, why not try then?

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing tradition that "undoes" the threads that cause disharmony in our lives. It involves using statements, and these statements have power on their own, but, when your conscious intention is behind it, without guilt, or shame or fear, it is an extremely powerful tool of change.
I am sorry..... (statement of responsibility for our part, acceptance of that responsibility, sometimes on behalf of our ancestors, or society,...)
Please forgive me...(asking for acceptance, and understanding from the other party, engaging them in the process.)
I thank you..(an acknowledgment of all that you received from this situation)
and I love you...( To the source of all, which is creation, which is love, returning the threads untangled back to source, to Love.)

I started thinking about this with the earth the other day while driving my gas powered vehicle to visit a client, and I opened the window to say this to the land. That was easy.
I’m sorry, (I mean wow, we have been, as humans sooo bad for this planet...)
Please forgive me..( I still drive around, buy plastic, contribute to the poison, and wastage...)
I thank you...( Oh, for everything!!! all life, everything!)
and I love you..(how could I not?)
Then, I was suddenly behind a big gas guzzling truck, with a trailer with an off road vehicle and a crate with a dog in it. The guy was in full fatigues, with a gun rack.
....and no turn signal...
Oh ya, big guy, doesn't have to signal, he has a gun! and a big truck...everyone else should get out of his way!!! pissed me off.....

bang. wow.

I said the words to him...
and saw, ancestresses back in history, warriors coming in to farming villages, fishing villages, in Europe, the men helpless while their wives and daughters were raped, sons taken off to be soldiers in someone else's wars, farmers, fishermen not trained to fight.
I saw the women turn on the men, “Why did you not fight, why did you let this happen?” I saw the identification with the soldiers as the powerful ones, the ones who could take or provide food, take or spare life, and I saw the women raising their sons to be like that, to be protectors, defenders, warriors.
I saw this in the Ancestresses in North American villages, where getting a gun and signing the papers meant life and food, a right to live, where the warriors of the other side were emulated and the pipe carriers were disrespected and mocked,
...I saw how hard it must be to live up to this expectation, to always be tough, always be strong. I saw how many men have heart attacks and live emotionally crippled, and how that was created.
I’m sorry, so sorry to have put this upon you
please forgive me, I acted out of fear...
I thank you, for all you have done to defend, to fight for us...
and I love you...and wish you peace, to be.

Very powerful.
I am going to say these words whenever I feel disharmony, and see where they lead, untangle the reality, and bring it back to love. No matter how many generations, from which ancestors, or which societies. It’s good work to do.

I am sorry, Please forgive me, I thank you, and I love you.

Good practice to carry out, world wide.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Toronto's Monthly Wellness Journal

Sacred Journeys - Everyday Rituals & Celebrations

Kim Elkington

Kim Elkington With Kim Elkington

Happy summer! A few days ago, for summer solstice, I headed with friends to a traditional pipe ceremony with the Algonquin spiritual elder Grandfather William Comm-anda. We had gathered on Victoria Island, located between Hull and Ottawa, on the Ottawa River.

The sky was dark grey and, as it rained all around, William kept us dry (it’s good to be with folks who can move clouds if you don't want to get wet). Twelve pipes were passed to each of us in silence. When the pipes were put away and each of us held a pinch of tobacco over our hearts, which we would offer into the sacred fire with our prayers, Grandfather William spoke. He asked that we stay in our hearts and speak directly to nature, to send love to the earth, and to bless the water in this time of great change. Then, as he looked up with a grin, he invited the ancestors to our circle, and down came the rain. A few minutes later the sun shone hard, starting where we were, and radiating out toward Quebec and Ontario.

Later when speaking alone with Grandfather William, I was deeply moved by the quality of the air around him. It was filled with love, without judgment, and allowing connections to people and nature all the time. As our hands moved toward each other his energy felt like soft velvet, and as our palms touched my whole body smiled in recognition of not only his authentic self, but sensing my own as well.

In the afternoon, back at my home and still feeling blessed, I felt my heartbeat rise and had a feeling that I needed to get to the veranda on the northeast part of the house. There, I watched as a double rainbow moved up the river, and came to rest just feet past my outstretched hand, where the river meets the land in the backyard.

It was interesting that William Commanda's summer solstice message was about tuning into water, because it came up a number of times this week. I was curious about the high winds and rain that we seem to be experiencing in this part of the world now and was re-linked to a woman, Krow Fischer, near Peterborough, who channels a being from a Council of Elders that for simplicity’s sake is referred to as ‘Red’. I highly recommend Weavers of Light: A Channelled Book of Know-ledge for our Changing Times, the transcription of Red's accounts of the earth changes, and much more, available on line (http://hereonearth.ca/).

Red was recently asked about the changing weather patterns around here and his answer resonated deeply. You can go to the website to get the full transcript, but here is my quick version of his image: Inside the earth is a small cool sun (earth's core) that mimics the sun flares on the Sun (their dance). This dance stirs up the winds, the atmosphere and ultimately the rain. The purpose of the storms is to cleanse the waters of the earth and, like time, the process is speeded up (intensified) these days. It is in large part due to where our sun and planet are in the larger galaxy. The earth/solar system seems to be entering a dense, intense, high frequency vibration emanating out of the Milky Way center. As we cross it, matter speeds up/heats up, excites the sun and, I believe, is raising our consciousness also.

In other words, the changes are not bad, they are simply happening. The earth is going through the change, and we (birds, bees, etc) are moving along with her in the changes, because we are all carbon atoms, made from stars and earth. The native channel, Red, also noted that we can ask the wind and rain clouds to move if we need them to - ask with love and the earth will respond.

Coincidentally, another story I heard this week was about when the Romans where trying to conquer ancient Britain, they wrote in their military log that they could not get to the areas they needed to because the native inhabitants were using the elements to impede their progress! So we have probably just forgotten how to talk to clouds, and there’s no reason not to start now.

This summer be sure to ignore time/schedule restraints that may attempt to interfere with your opportunities to get outside and let nature commune with you one on one. There is a great deal of transforming energy, that can affect us both personally and globally, going on in the world right now. The best way to tune in, is connecting to nature and listening with an open heart. And, if it’s raining, enjoy that too, for as a friend pointed out, if the earth changes around here are going to mean more rain storms, it will mean more rainbows too!

Contact Kim Elkington at spirit@algonquintea.com

Articles about Weavers

Book offers a healing path for the planet
Date: Sunday, January 28th, 2007 (CDT )
Topic: Religion & Spirituality

Krow Fischer, of the Norwood-area, is publishing a book called "Weavers of Light: A Channelled Book of Knowledge for our Changing Times". The words for the book were channelled to her from a spirit named 'Red'. She has had the ability to contact the spiritual world since she was a child.A Norwood-area deep trance channel, commonly referred to as a medium, says she has no problem with skeptics who doubt her ability to tap into information and communication beyond our physical reality.

"Skeptics are the most fun... they are generally the most blown away by the experience," says Krow Fischer, 48. "Whether one believes or doubts is a completely personal choice and while I disagree, I do respect their choice."

Deep trance channelling is an ancient form of communication brought to the attention of the mainstream by gifted channellers such as Edgar Cayce and Jane Roberts, explains Ms. Fischer. In spirituality, channelling is the communication of information to or through a person (the channel or medium) from a spirit or other paranormal entity outside the mind (or self) of the channel.

Channelling is part of the belief systems and rituals of many religions, such as shamanism, Voodoo, Kardecism and Umbanda.

She compares herself to a radio - most people can only tune in to one frequency - but Ms. Fischer says she is able to tap into another frequency, the collective consciousness of a group of souls sometimes called the ancestors, the record-keepers, the grandfathers, grandmothers or 'The council of elders'.

Ms. Fischer explains she has the ability to enter an altered sleep state, where she allows her physical being to be a transmitter for the council of elders, with Tatananayaho, or 'Red', being the main spokesperson. This collective group of souls has provided guidance and assistance to humankind for thousands of years and continues to bring fresh insights and understandings, as mankind expands its conscious ability to comprehend, she adds.

"I am like a computer screen that taps into a universal Internet and the downloads stream through me," she explains.

As a young child, Ms. Fischer notes she just naturally assumed "everyone heard and saw stuff." But as she grew older, she gradually realized she was different.

"My grandmother belonged to a spiritualist church and she was supportive and did not consider my ability abnormal," she notes.

At the age of 15, she became aware of the Findhorn community in Scotland, a collective whose principal practices included channelling and other forms of meditation. Today, the community remains a centre of residential spiritual education and the Findhorn Foundation is a member of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations.

It was both comforting and reassuring to realize she was not alone, "that there were other people like me," she recalls. The revelation also gave Ms. Fischer a sense of direction and she purposely looked for information, seeking out teachers to help chart her path.

Later this month, Ms. Fischer brings her 'secretarial work' to a new level with the launch of the book, 'Weavers of Light: A Channelled Book of Knowledge for our Changing Times.' The publication features Red's words, channelled by the deep trance medium and transcribed by Wendy Murdoch, Ms. Fischer says.

Red is not the first entity to be published, she explains. In the 1960s, American writer Jane Roberts began to channel 'Seth' and for years, Ms. Roberts held sessions where she achieved a trance state that allowed for channelling. In 21 years of offering this service, thousands of people attended sessions to consult with Seth, who also authored several books including 'The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression'.

Weavers of Light is a look at the environment we have created, how we are collectively responsible and then it explains how we can collectively find a solution, says Ms. Fischer. The book took a year to transcribe and at times, weeks would pass before the women could find time for a session.

"Red would just ask Wendy to read the last sentence he wrote and he would pick up exactly where he left off," she says.

The publication can be described as a manual on conscious living, explains Ms. Fischer. Red takes the reader from the beginnings of the universe, the creation of energetic patterns and how they manifest here on Earth to how society has shaped them into personal and collective realities, and how we can collectively and individually re-shape them. The 'council' spokesman has revealed how our planet works and how we can learn to work with it, she adds.

"I have come away humbled, deepened and pretty blown away," explains Ms. Fischer. "While I have always honoured them, this book has evolved me to an incredible appreciation for the mother and father of creation, and our sister Planet Earth."

Weavers of Light will be launched at The Link's Mystical Fair at Warkworth Town Hall Centre for the Arts on Jan. 27. The Fair will offer a wide variety of services and information including mini-readings with regional Tarot card readers, psychics, crystal readings and angel cards as well as books, jewellery and music vendors and more. Doors open at 10 a.m. and tickets are $2.

For more information about Ms. Fischer's work and her book, visit www.hereonearth.ca or call Oakendell Healing Centre at 705-924-3852.

Copyright: Northumberland News


here is a scene in the movie The Matrix,

where the character, Neo, is offered a choice

of becoming aware of what was really happening or of remaining blissfully ignorant.

He could choose the red pill and wake up to reality

or the blue pill and stay asleep.

Already suspecting that there was much more going on than met the eye, he chose the red pill.

It is debatable whether that was the right choice.

This book is a red pill book.

If you prefer to take the blue pill, well, don’t read it.

We really don’t blame you at all, lots of times we wish we could remain blissfully ignorant about our responsibilities here; chosen the blue pill....because the red pill makes us start to take responsibility, and that is a lot of personal work.

Well, that is the essence of this book.

It's about taking responsibility for our individual souls, each one of us, not leaving it up to a religion or a guru or a society, or even God him or her self.

It's about becoming aware of yourself, and your relationship to all our relations, and being responsible for that.

It's about becoming aware of your genetic ancestors and your family patterns, and making decisions about how much responsibility you want to take there.

It's about becoming aware of all of the patterns we chose, and why we chose them.

It teaches us gently but firmly how to begin this daunting task, of becoming conscious co-creators of the next reality.

Many of us are aware that we are at that prophesy time, that we are at the end of one world, and that a new world is emerging.

We know the kids are different, and new technology alone is enough to slingshot us into global unification

There is also the unprecedented awakening of many new mental and “psychic” awareness’s that we are witnessing all over the world.

This book is about how as individuals, we can go about influencing the collective,

and it's about time!