Tuesday, May 13, 2008


In weavers of light, one of the things we are asked to look at is how we have created the tapestries of our lives, to look at our ancestral, or genetic lines and our societal fabrics, and take responsibility for our part.
It is not an easy thing to do, as we are all so used to the blame/shame/guilt triangle, that it is hard to get past that, and enter that state of grace.
Disharmony and discomfort is held on to by us, sometimes due to ancestral wrongs, or societal wrongs, but it is still carried on by us, as individuals. To undo the entanglements, we must choose to take responsibility for the threads we hold, and untangle them back to love. Sometimes this involves unwinding, or unweaving, so it seems sometimes we are running back over the same issues over and over. Sometimes we are caught in a loop, but sometimes, I believe, we are untangling, separating our thread from the mass entanglement.
I think of undoing tangled chains, or knots, how often just loosening that one thread can begin unraveling it all. I think, what if mine is that one thread, that will make it easier to undo the mess? I mean, why not try then?

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing tradition that "undoes" the threads that cause disharmony in our lives. It involves using statements, and these statements have power on their own, but, when your conscious intention is behind it, without guilt, or shame or fear, it is an extremely powerful tool of change.
I am sorry..... (statement of responsibility for our part, acceptance of that responsibility, sometimes on behalf of our ancestors, or society,...)
Please forgive me...(asking for acceptance, and understanding from the other party, engaging them in the process.)
I thank you..(an acknowledgment of all that you received from this situation)
and I love you...( To the source of all, which is creation, which is love, returning the threads untangled back to source, to Love.)

I started thinking about this with the earth the other day while driving my gas powered vehicle to visit a client, and I opened the window to say this to the land. That was easy.
I’m sorry, (I mean wow, we have been, as humans sooo bad for this planet...)
Please forgive me..( I still drive around, buy plastic, contribute to the poison, and wastage...)
I thank you...( Oh, for everything!!! all life, everything!)
and I love you..(how could I not?)
Then, I was suddenly behind a big gas guzzling truck, with a trailer with an off road vehicle and a crate with a dog in it. The guy was in full fatigues, with a gun rack.
....and no turn signal...
Oh ya, big guy, doesn't have to signal, he has a gun! and a big truck...everyone else should get out of his way!!! pissed me off.....

bang. wow.

I said the words to him...
and saw, ancestresses back in history, warriors coming in to farming villages, fishing villages, in Europe, the men helpless while their wives and daughters were raped, sons taken off to be soldiers in someone else's wars, farmers, fishermen not trained to fight.
I saw the women turn on the men, “Why did you not fight, why did you let this happen?” I saw the identification with the soldiers as the powerful ones, the ones who could take or provide food, take or spare life, and I saw the women raising their sons to be like that, to be protectors, defenders, warriors.
I saw this in the Ancestresses in North American villages, where getting a gun and signing the papers meant life and food, a right to live, where the warriors of the other side were emulated and the pipe carriers were disrespected and mocked,
...I saw how hard it must be to live up to this expectation, to always be tough, always be strong. I saw how many men have heart attacks and live emotionally crippled, and how that was created.
I’m sorry, so sorry to have put this upon you
please forgive me, I acted out of fear...
I thank you, for all you have done to defend, to fight for us...
and I love you...and wish you peace, to be.

Very powerful.
I am going to say these words whenever I feel disharmony, and see where they lead, untangle the reality, and bring it back to love. No matter how many generations, from which ancestors, or which societies. It’s good work to do.

I am sorry, Please forgive me, I thank you, and I love you.

Good practice to carry out, world wide.

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