Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March Newsletter 2011

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” George Santayana, Spanish born American Philosopher and Poet.

Well, we have a lot to learn.

When we first began evolving on the earth plane, we experimented with form and ideas. Red says that the evolution of our ideas of self can take thousands of years to play out into recognition, and can be seen as our societies and civilizations. Our individual psyche is greatly influenced by our collective DNA imprints.

In the March CD ‘Ancient Civilizations’ Red addresses our questions with the deep wisdom we have all come to respect. It is a teaching layered with concepts and understandings that have kept my mind spiraling outward since I first listened to the recording.

“All of these civilizations that began manifesting on the planet, all of them are the roots of the civilizations that you have here now aren’t they? ... and you can see their stories playing out across your earth-plane now. You can see the knowledge, the concepts, the belief systems, the ways of being that have formed the core fabric of the psyche of your civilizations on this planet now and you can see many of these patterns playing out over and over again throughout history as each particular strain tries to become the dominant way upon this earth....”

The original manifestation point of ‘Pan’ evolved out into many subcultures whose remnants play out in deep tribal roots throughout Africa and up into ancient Europe.

‘Mu’ whose influence spread through Indonesia and Asia,.. the original movement into form perceived and experienced as entrapment creating spiraling multi layered architecture and spiritual beliefs of evolving back to the stars. Ideas of punishment and reward through lifetimes of trying to go home.

... and Atlantis of the marble columns and pyramids, ever seeking to expand in dominion....,

and Lemuria, who dwelt within the earth and of the earth,

Atlantis and Lemuria evolving so differently on opposite sides of the planet.. night and day, literally.

“Where as the Lemurians perceived the planet as a sentient being that they wished to explore their relationship with, the Atlantians experienced the earth plane as something that they would like to experiment with, something that they wanted to see if they could master, and utilize.... bring their blueprint here to this planet and utilize what’s here to manifest themselves. So you can see their civilization tended to want to change things a lot. They wanted to build mountains where there were plains, they wanted to re-route rivers, they wanted to change the landscape to suit the physicality they wished to express, whereas the Lemurians wanted to evolve their physicality to express the earth. Do you see the difference? Quite different ways of thinking, quite different approaches to manifestation on the earth plane.

I’m not going to judge which is right or wrong, I think history is the one who judges isn’t it? by what actually plays out according to the ideals and ideologies that are brought here.

The Atlantian ideology, we can see a lot of that still at play upon the earth plane. I think we would like to see a little more of the Lemurian ideology, a little more of the balance of both might suit this earth-plane and might suit the spirits that are wishing to incarnate here.

So what would you like to know about these civilizations?”

Thus begins the stories of our collective histories, and how they are ringing through our shared DNA, influencing our direction thousands of years later in the now.

Ancient Civilizations.

Lessons Learned from Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and Pan

available at www.hereonearth.ca


There is a way to look at the past. Don't hide from it. It will not catch you if you don't repeat it. Pearl Bailey


I have a confession to make.

I have been channeling the Council of Elders for decades now, from back when channeling and mediumship was way in the ‘woo woo’ realms, often perceived as insane or fraudulent. I realize that some are still in that time expression in their thinking now, but most people have seen Whoopi Goldberg and Patrick Swayze in Ghost.

Since then we have had ‘The Others’, ‘The sixth Sense’ and many more movies depicting our abilities, as well as television shows like ‘Medium’, ‘Ghost Whisperer’ and ‘The Listener’. Even Law and Order had an episode where one of the agents while in a coma worked together with the spirit of a dead teenager to solve a crime! It is mainstream now, as my guides told me it would be in my lifetime.

Quantum physics, modern psychiatry and brain studies, biologists and physicists and parapsychologists merge into similar conclusions. Jill Bolten Taylor, Bruce Lipton, Echard Tolle and many brilliant people are sharing their findings with an openness and exuberance that reflects the spiritual joy emerging. We live in a magical universe, and it has conscious intelligence! Hats off to Edgar Cayce and Jane Roberts and the many who pursued knowledge and expansion of consciousness in the ‘psychic’ fields with dignity and intelligence, when they had such little support from collective consciousness.

I am lucky to have so much support that I can continue to expand my awareness, and share what I can of it.

Back to the confession.

I wanted to do these CDs, because for decades the council has been helping individuals to grow, but I never got to listen to the teachings.

Yes people shared their experiences, and I listened to the group sessions, but there was so much I heard about that I wanted more of. I’m pretty good at downloading myself, but man is it ever nice to just pop a CD in and listen! So I appreciate all of you who buy CDs and subscriptions, because, it means I get to explore this universe along with everyone else now. Cheers!


"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." ~ Albert Einstein


We have been hearing from people who are feeling bad about pirating, burning copies for their friends of our CDs, and we are looking into ways of dealing with this. We really do need your support to continue doing this work each month, and we also really just want everyone to listen to them. How to bridge this is an ongoing topic for us.

We do ask you to respect our copyright of the material.

So if you are going to teach a class on the material, share it with your groups and associations, talk to us about how we can work together.

If you have received a burned copy and it helped you, you can send a ‘pay as you can’ to us at oakendell and we will put it into future CD production.

We are looking to have them available on itunes for download in the future, and of course as more people subscribe our costs of production goes down, which we can then pass on.

Lets work together to make these teachings available to more people.



In ‘Creer es Crear, a movie I really resonated with, there were so many brilliant words that I downloaded the script.

Santiago talks a lot about his spiritual progress and how we all are affecting the changes we are living. Undoing the lines of the past imprints and moving forward with change.

From the movie....

‘We are living a paradigm change. We are living the most important moment in humanity's history; the moment of the collective illumination, or the possibility of the collective illumination. And it is, in fact, a clash in the old system of beliefs which made us believe, for example that God will punish us, that made us believe that children don't know anything, that youths don't understand, that adults have the right to dictate, that women are the weaker sex, that sex is sin. They made us believe that to be born was a sin.’

Red says in Ancient Civilizations that we are being awakened now, through our DNA... That even though Atlantis sunk 15 thousand years ago, we are still being influenced through our DNA and that as ‘your Earth is about to go through another morph’ ...’these stories are being played out within all of you’..

We are most noticeably changing on earth, whether we see it as the influence of mass media and world wide social networking, or whether this phenomena is a reflection of our expansion, is really a chicken or egg story.

We do know that DNA patterns can be turned on at certain times in our life, as in puberty and aging, and particular traits can skip many generations predictably, so why not thousands of years?

“ ..these imprints that were brought in through the DNA lines have got time markers...and as your earth is coming through a different place in the universe, you have a whole different star system that’s shining it’s light to the earth plane now and it’s triggering the time markers of the Lemurian race. It’s awakening in all of you these markers on those DNA lines....’

I wonder at the huge changes we are seeing in our children, whether looking at the indigo kids, crystal kids or the different abilities showing up on the autism spectrum. We need to do a CD on these kids, but maybe we needed to understand the influences first.... He goes on to say...

‘ The DNA lines that are brought in through the Atlantians are blinking out.. as the DNA lines brought through the Lemurians are awakening through your physical bodies. The DNA remembrance of collective consciousness, of being one with the earth, of telepathy are being awakened... The DNA markers of conquering, and of feeling isolated and of fear are blinking off.

Wow. I totally sense this going on within myself for sure. I hope it is spreading and it seems to be....

‘So this evolution that began way back then, of bringing your spirits to the earth plane so that you may express your ideas here to see how they work, is about ready to have another leap isn’t it?

It’s OK that it took this long.

It’s OK that you experimented and tried different ways.

The earth granted you this.’

No shame in our mistakes, just responsibility for our now. Gotta love these guys. He says we are merging the best of ideas from all original DNA lines.

‘You have the possibility now of bringing best of all three ancient civilizations into the building of the new civilization upon the earth plane, and we think that this is a good evolution for your planet.’

It is up to us to awaken and be aware. To understand we really are all one, with each other and all of creation. To learn and experience as much as we can, really to grow up and become parental on this planet, as so many young people all across the world are doing.

In Creer es Crear Santiago says ...

‘We are God, as God is within us... ‘One that believes is more powerful than millions that do not.

To believe is at the same time to create, to create is to walk forward, it is to create another reality from nothing.

To be creative is the mission of our human nature, if you believe that the world can change you are changing it. Faith is conscience and creation, it is not that seeing is believing as they told us, it is that to believe is to be able to see.The belief precedes the creation, the spirit is the creator of the matter,to believe in yourself is returning to being a child playing with God again.‘

We have come a long way, and we have a whole new world ahead of us to create with our collective wisdom and the grace of this earth.

From Creer es Crear...

‘This point that we are arriving to, this meeting point; they call the POINT K.

It is the time that we are now living between the year 2008 and the known

end point of the Mayan Calendar in the year 2012, which is, let us say, the

end of this whole collective ascension. The end of this approaching historical oscillation and change of vibratory frequency. ‘

‘So many have paved the way, opening and stretching our awareness.Some have endured a very big process of spiritual growth that has taken

many years. These have made it possible for the rest of us to arrive to this

point, but in fact, when we arrive, nobody is better than anybody else.

Why? Because we are all ONE.

Here is where we leave the baggage of the past, we drop the blame, we lose everything from the past and we have to understand that this is One with Oneself.’

Can we undo the hooks of fear that have held us in unhealthy patterns

and dare to embrace our possibilities on this earth?

I am glad the Council of Elders have faith in us!


Upcoming events with Krow.

Sunleite Integrated Health Centre March 16th and 17th for personal sessions in Port Perry.

Wasaga Beach Group Sessions topic to be announced... March 18th and 19

contact information for these dates is available on the Scheduled Events www.hereonearth.ca

“Communication with Spirit” Workshop April 1st, 2nd and 3rd Facilitator: Krow Fischer

This is a weekend long intensive “Full participation” required workshop!

We will have an Orientation and Introduction Friday night, and spend

all day Saturday and Sunday opening ourselves up to our natural gifts.

We will be learning to develop our natural clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, teleolfactance and many other gifts you have yet to open within yourself.

We will explore our foundations at the beginning of creation and see how we are evolving as the wondrous and beautiful beings we are created to be.

We will learn to see energy fields and visions from beyond this realm, learn to send and receive messages, learn to work with dreams and visions, and learn to feel with our intuitive selves.

There is so much to learn and develop, lying dormant within ourselves just waiting for the opportunity and guidance to open.

We will be working with KROW, who brings her many talents and skills in this field to share. The possibilities are as vast as the universe.

Come and open up some new doorways for yourself in a safe, supportive and professional atmosphere.

Books, tools and snacks provided Cost $250.00

Call Joanne at 716 553-9804 to RSVP and make a required deposit

(start times on the 3 days will be given prior to workshop date)

April 8th Friday 6:30 to 8 pm- “Group Channeling” Session with KROW/RED

Once again Krow will be here to Channel RED from “the Council of Elders” who will share his loving wisdom from beyond. Topic to be determined. As usual I am open to questions to present to RED (see me ahead of the session) Cost $20

Krow will also be available for private sessions in Hamburg.

See website for contact info. www.hereonearth.ca

under scheduled events .


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstien


Very interesting Sabian Symbol for the day I am writing this... For those who do not know Blain Bovees work you can find out about him at www.boveeastrology.com I get them sent in e-mails daily and they are uncanny. Here is todays, as I write all about learning from our collective past. LOL

Sabian Sage Daily Mar. 3, 2011

The Original Sabian Symbols Brought To Life Each Day

"A sword in a museum" 13 Pisces

This symbol is illuminated 5:41 PM EST Mar. 2 (10:41 PM GMT, Mar 2)

Theme: Drawing on power.

Inspiration: The Muse of discriminating awareness calls us to draw upon powers of the past, for the sword so drawn is mightier than one held in the hand.

Today: Memory is the source of inspired powers. Imagine playing a tune from memory, somehow drawing on how well its melody and feeling are soaked into the bones.

If the external world presents people and situations that disappoint today, draw on an inward resource. It is a day to save what you can, maintain what you have, and ready for a start when what has been lost is no longer an issue.

Blain Bovee

The Keepers of the Springs

You find them in the forests green,

Amidst the moss and fern,

Keeping the sacred waters clear,

For those who seek to learn.

With healing hands and council wise,

Knowledge of herb and bloom,

Their dedication dignifies,

The mantle they assume.

The soothing song of oceans wave,

Rock softly to the shore.

In healing springs volcano born,

They share their gifts once more.

Coconut oils caress the skin,

Enlightened hands bring peace,

Through golden sunlight laughter rings,

With gentle breath release.

You find them in the desert sands,

Within oasis green,

Ancient knowledge spun through time,

Beneath the veils are seen.

With sacred oils, exotic spice,

The parched and weary fill.

The desert healers hold their space,

With pure intent and will.

High up in mountain temples where,

The sacred waters flow.

The pilgrims come from many lands,

To watch the prayer flags blow.

The ancient wisdoms contemplate,

The sorrow and the pain,

Upon the healing meditate

And bring to peace again.

Among the Islands in the sun,

And in the jungles dark,

By secret pools of sacred spring

The old ones leave their mark.

And if by chance you ask just right,

And for good spells you pray,

They’ll teach the truths you need to know,

To help you on your way.

In ancient lands where dragons breath,

Still keep the sacred fires

You’ll find the old ones practice still,

The teachings of their sires.

The holy waters from their wells,

Are said to cure all pain,

Offered with blessings, prayer and hope,

Rejuvenates again.

And where the prairie grasses blow,

Sweet water hole awaits,

Where jaded travelers come by chance,

Still guided by their fates.

They find Elders camped by the springs,

The mystic and the mage,

Who share medicine from their hearts,

With sweetgrass smoke and sage.

They are the keepers of the springs,

That hold to sacred ways,

Of ancestors that teach us still,

And guide us through these days.

Sentient knowledge gleaned through time,

The faith of human kind,

These healers from all walks of life,

Mend body, soul and mind.

Krow Fischer & Sally Ann Schweikhard.

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